
Erol Alp begegnet Koichi Sugimura, Risto Kiiskilä, Markus Rues, Julian Chees und Ayumu Kameyama

links: Shihan Koichi Sugimura, 8. Dan SKR, rechts: Erol Alp
links: Shihan Koichi Sugimura, 8. Dan SKR, rechts: Erol Alp

Erol Alp about

Shihan Koichi Sugimura:


"It was a quiet training session where wise words floated around the room.

Quiet, but not less strenuous, because when he told the storys, we were in a low karate stance. It was a great time!"

links: Sensei Risto Kiiskilä, 6. Dan DJKB-Instructor. rechts: Erol Alp
links: Sensei Risto Kiiskilä, 6. Dan DJKB-Instructor, rechts: Erol Alp

Erol Alp about

Sensei Risto Kiiskilä:


"He is for me a cult figure.

He is a strict teacher and really funny. It was a great time!

His words about rhythm in Karate-Technics are called by (hä hä, häää and not hap hap!) After repeating these words during the whole training session, he stopped and looked calmly into the crowd, saying (They say that you learn faster today in the age of smartphones ... but i do not believe that!)"


links: Sensei Markus Rues, 6. Dan DJKB-Bundesjugendtrainer, rechts: Erol Alp
links: Sensei Markus Rues, 6. Dan, DJKB-Bundesjugendtrainer, rechts: Erol Alp

Erol Alp about

Sensei Markus Rues:


"The teacher, a good teacher, you could also call him an uncle in Karate. His training session was very interesting. It was a great time!"

links: Sensei Julian Pursen Chees, 6. Dan DJKB-Bundesstützpunkttrainer Süd, Bundeslizenzprüfer, A-Lizenz-Übungsleiter, rechts: Erol Alp
links: Sensei Pursen Chees, 6. Dan DJKB-Bundesstützpunkttrainer Süd, Bundeslizenzprüfer, A-Lizenz-Übungsleiter, rechts: Erol Alp

Erol Alp about

Julian Pursen Chees:


"His words (Strong, but not strong, weak, but not weak.) left a lasting impression. He is a very nice Person and i had a lot of fun to train with this helpful Sensei. It was a great time!"

links: Erol Alp, rechts: Sensei Ayumu Kameyama, Instructor of Japan and Nationalcoach
links: Erol Alp, rechts: Sensei Ayumu Kameyama, Instructor of Japan and Nationalcoach

Erol Alp about

Sensei Ayumu Kameyama: 


"He is the fresh wind of Japan!

It was the word (relax) what he emphasized during the training session. It was an experience to listen to him when he explained. It was a pleasure to met him and i was happy to train with this pleasant and  kindly Sensei. It was a great time!"

Großen Dank an Sensei Dr. Pascal Senn und seinem Organisationsteam vom Karate Dojo Makoto für die gelungene Ausrichtung dieses Lehrgangs.

Die Aufmerksamkeit und Höflichkeit des Senseis Dr. Pascal Senn sucht seinesgleichen.